CAMTEL is Hand in Hand with MINPOSTEL to Revamp Service

The Cameroon Telecommunications Company (CAMTEL) is resilient in the face of optic fiber deterioration. The optic fiber installed by CAMTEL across the country has suffered serious disturbances causing faults in network, yet CAMTEL is determined to resolve the existing problems. On 11 October 2024, CAMTEL was visited by the Telecommunications Regulatory Board headed by the Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Minette Libom Li Likeng. The visit was actually a working session during which the General Manager of CAMTEL, Madam Judith Yah Sunday, spoke on complex challenges faced causing the deterioration of the network, which has affected users across the country. Concerning the factors weighing down on network the General Manager of CAMTEL cited a high proportion of vandalism on infrastructure which has seriously disrupted services. There are also interruptions in power-supply sometimes prolonged power cuts that affects the stability of CAMTEL’S technical equipment. In addition uncoordinated public works has also damaged cables and equipment. “In that connection, I would like to reaffirm that CAMTEL, as the incumbent operator, is fully aware of the expectations of Cameroonians and of its responsibilities. We therefore took immediate corrective measures to mitigate these inconveniences, and we are committed to finding lasting solutions to strengthen our resilience in the face of these crises…In response, we have intensified our collaboration with the relevant authorities to protect our strategic infrastructure and bring the perpetrators of these reprehensible acts to justice” Madam Judith Yah made it clear during the working visit. After listening to the problems raised by CAMTEL, Minister Libom Li Likeng said MINPOSTEL shall work together with CAMTEL alongside the other network companies. She said all three network operators and the regulator are expected to join forces and improve on these services rather than point accusing fingers at each other. At the working session CAMTEL equally cited the factors that makes her stand tall. They include the recent retrocession of the optical fiber deployed by ENEO which has strengthened CAMTEL’s ability to optimize connectivity throughout the country. In addition CAMTEL has signed an agreement with CAMWATER and are currently exploring opportunities for collaboration with CAMRAIL to use railway corridors for the deployment of optical fiber. These initiatives aim to pool and better exploit national infrastructures in the interest of all thanks to CAMTEL. Madam Judith Yah expressed gratitude to the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency for the working visit which would impact CAMTEL’S progress.The CAMTEL General Manager once again said they shall continue to respect a high quality standard in their work processes and in interactions with national and international partners.

By Mildred Ndum Wung.

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