Meh Ignacio Kangha, principal sponsor of the 2024 Sports and Cultural Jamboree of the Esu Youth Development Association (EYDA) has called on the youths of Esu to be positive and never give up. He was speaking on August 3rd, 2024 in Yaounde where he traveled from U S A to join the youths on the award night marking this year’s cultural and sports jamboree.

He said the purpose of organising the ceremony was to unite the youths “what prompted me to donate this cup is the fact that I want to bring the youths together. I want to send out a message of hope and a message of unity. When youths come together, they build that team Spirit. You can never do it by yourself, you can only do it as a team. So that’s the message. We have to come together and project our community. We have to give hope to the youths because they are the future of our community” Mr Kangha told the Press.

Youths during come together showcased talents in dancing, eating etiquette and sports. There were competitions in football, handball, traditional dance and eating etiquette. Those who emerged as winners of the competition are as follows:


First Prize EYDA Littoral North
Second Prize EYDA Tiko
Third Prize EYDA Limbe

First Prize EYDA Limbe
Second Prize EYDA Littoral South
Third Prize EYDA Tiko

First Prize EYDA Limbe
Second Prize EYDA Kumba

Third Prize EYDA Littoral North

Co sponsors

The U.S.A citizen of Cameroon origin, precisely from the fondom of Esu organized the youths together for the jamboree from the 2nd to the 3rd of August with the sum of one million francs to be distributed to winners of the competitions.

The sponsor thanked other elites who joined him in raising the initial amount, noting that community initiatives are never a one man show. The others who co sponsored the tournament include Kah Theodore 300k, Zang Franklin 200k, Nji Easther 15k, Bin Aloysius 200k and Akuokeze Wung Tih 28k.

In addition to the tournament sponsor who was present at the award night, there was also the presence of Muabe Geh Anthony, Secretary General of the ECUDA Caretaker Committee and cumulatively Public Relations Officer of ECUDA Zone Yaounde who chaired the occasion. Besides him was the chair lady, Muendaw Geh Marvis. The night of August 2nd, 2024 that featured competitions was chaired by Muabe Kah Theodore, the ECUDA Yaounde Zonal President.

The show pitting the youths to compete was termed the “Meh Ignacio Kangha Tournament” This year 2024 marked the third consecutive time of Mr Kangha ‘s sponsorship. Youths returned to base with exciting experiences. They are looking forward to another encounter in the coming year.

The appreciation of the youths was expressed by Gideon Chu Fang, President General of EYDA who thanked the sponsor for being”consistently consistent” saying that that it has helped the youths of Esu to rally together to strengthen culture and harmony. The donor was honoured with the gift of a traditional regalia. The gift was one of Esu ‘s finest brand of clothes known as the “Nsang” He was clad with the dress which created ambience.

By Mildred Ndum Wung, Journalist

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