Mobile Money Operators Given 60 Days to Block Money Channels to Terrorists or Face Sanctions

The Minister of Territorial Administration, Atanga Nji Paul, met with officials of MTN and Orange Mobile Money on April 8th, 2024, at his conference room, where he asked them to register all Mobile Money users, identity unregistered clients and present to MINAT. Minister Atanga Nji said the registration of all customers is intended to identify terrorists in the Northwest, Southwest and Far North Regions who demand the payment of ransom through Mobile Money after kidnapping persons. He gave sixty days for the Mobile Money bosses to identify and register all their clients after which they shall present their data to MINAT, failure to do so shall attract the sledge hammer of the state.

The Minister revealed that security officials carried out searches which recovered 450 sim cards from the possession of terrorists. He said according to reports from Regional Governors, more than 311 million was recovered by security forces from terrorists who certainly got this money from their Kidnapped victims. Minister Atanga Nji said the D.O of Bamenda II who was kidnapped was freed after the sum of twenty million francs was channelled to terrorists through Mobile Money.The Minister says the security of the state is paramount and calls on the Director General of MTN Mobile Money and the Director General of Orange Mobile Money to take up the moral responsibility of securing customers in order to ensure peace and unity.

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum


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