The price of Petrol has increased from 730 frs to 840frs a liter. Diesel that was previously increased to 720frs has again been increased to 828 frs a liter. However, the prices of kerosene and domestic gas remains unchanged.
This did not surprise Cameroonians as the Head of State during his end of Year Address to the state, told Cameroonians to expect a possible increase in fuel prices. On January 2nd, 2024, a communique from the Prime Minister’s Office, informed Cameroonians on the new fuel prices, to take effect from the 3rd of February, stating that, this increase in fuel prices is aimed to absorb the growing budgetary constraints facing the State and to avoid tensions in the supply of the national market with petroleum products. The information also noted that, the government shall increase the salary of civil servants by 5% to help them cope. The government shall also accompany citizens to cope with the high prices by engaging in dialogue with the Private Sector on the Guaranteed Interprofessional Minimum Wage, as well as on related issues and the reduction of certain tax and customs charges in the road transport sector.
By Mildred Ndum Wung
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