NCPBM Shines with Positive Balance Sheet and Ambitious

II a resplendent ceremony organised at the Yaounde Conference Center on Friday January 26th, members and staff of the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism (NCPBM) presented New Year wishes to the president of the Commission, Peter Mafany Musonge.

The NCPBM was joined by some cultural groups, friends and pressmen who turned out in colourful outfits corresponding to the country Cameroon. Most visible were the grass fielders, the fang beti, the Sudano-Sahelian and the Sawa who either wore the togho, the sanja, the obom, the buba or the wrapper.

These gracefully looking men and women then queued up one after another to officially say “Happy new Year 2024” to Mr Musonge.

The ritual respected protocol, beginning with the Secretary General Dr. Chi Asafor Cornelius, the Vice Secretary General, Mr Oumarou Djika Saidou, the other members, staff and invited guests. The staff of the NCPBM, offered a gift to the NCPBM President; they handed to him, the cultural regalia of the Ekang people of the Center Region, known as the “obom”. The package was made up of a jacket, a loin cloth, a walking stick and a necklace which signifies elegance, royalty and authority. The camaraderie of the occasion was matched with a high sense of professional probity, thus the CPBM availed the public of its achievements in the year 2023. The Secretary General, President Dr. Chi Asafor Cornelius listed among others, field trips to 15 public hospitals at the regional headquarters, visit to nine state universities, visit to eight security training and defense institutions, visit to seven Cameroonian diplomatic representations in Abuja, Pretoria, Brussels, Benin, London, Paris and Washington DC. These visits were done to monitor the implementation of official languages and evaluate the practice of bilingualism. The NCPBM in 2023 also organized capacity building seminars for it’s staff, members of the public and public institutions. It printed and distributed two thousand booklets on its mission and the importance of bilingualism and also participated in the Fair on Government Action (SAGO) where it earned a trophy for fighting hate speech. All these actions helped in the fight against xenophobia, contributed to peace and nationhood.
According to the Secretary General, the CPBM scored over 90% in the implementation of their action plan during the 2023 financial year.

In a speech from the Chair of the CPBM, he said the ceremony to convey New Year wishes also served as a moment to trace a new road map. With regards to the plan of action for the new year 2024. Mr Musonge, highlighted that it is a political year which the CPBM shall intensify the fight against xenophobia and hate speech. They shall strengthen bilingualism and multiculturalism by working with Civil Society Organizations. The CPBM chair noted that each year has challenges and opportunities to seize thus in the face of difficulties, they must demonstrate resilience in order to achieve the objectives set in the action plan for 2024 with regard to all activities oriented towards the promotion of bilingualism, multiculturalism and of living together.
He acknowledged the contribution of the staff of the Institution who under the leadership of the Secretary General executed programs, actions and activities within the CPBM. He also acknowledged the support of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Biya, for giving the NCPBM the pride of place in Cameroon.

The ceremony enabled the NCPBM led by the Chair to recommit in it’s mission is of promoting bilingualism and multiculturalism with a view to maintaining peace, consolidating national unity and strengthening the will of living together. The arduous task, which requires that they give the best of their resources to accomplish it.

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

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