Government Calms Panic at G.B.H.S. Etug Ebe induced by Stampede linked to Late Coming

The uproar in GBHS Etoug Ebe, a secondary school in Cameroon’s capital Yaounde, that was induced by a violent stampede has cleared away. Serenity now reigns in the school following the intervention of the Senior Divisional Officer of Mfoundi, Emmanuel Mariel Ndjikdent, in collaboration with the forces of law and order who were alerted by the School Principal, Madam Catherine Foju.

The government through the S.D.O. also condemned the fake news of the death of some students that earlier circulated on the social media, affirming that the incident only resulted to the injury of 21 students. Cars and buildings were also destroyed. On videos showing the Etoug Ebe unrest, stones could be seen being thrown on security officials while they struggled to control the incident. The school was swamped with parents, traditional and political authorities who came to see for themselves. Some explained that they came to confirm for themselves following the news that a wall had fallen on students.

The S.D.O explained that the stampede happened when some students arrived late in school. They arrived at the same time when the national anthem was being sung. So the principal asked the late comers to wait in a room. As the room was being opened many students tried forcing their way out of the door with some students walking on others.

The S.D.O. went ahead to explain that, some idlers suddenly walked into the campus, and caused violence at the time of the stampede. “What we cannot understand is that those who came here are not only people of this school. We have some who are driving motorcycles who came here and we can also ask ourselves if this incident do not have a link with the incident of last Thursday when some students were called up by the disciplinary council. Today we have asked students to go back and they can come tomorrow to school. We want to assure you that there is no death. You can go to the hospital to see. No body is dead, No student. Tomorrow the children can come to school and those who are not related to the school should stay outside. This is not a place to consume alcohol or drugs, no. People are here to learn and we have asked parents to advise their children before they come to school” the S.D.O. told press men.
The governor of the Center Region, Naseri Paul Vea also visited GBHS Etoug Ebe to ascertain the situation. He called on parents and students to respect the rules and regulations in school, while condemning late coming “This act should be condemned. Parents should educate their children. You can come late to school any other day but not on the day that the flag is hoisted. We have visited the school and seen a lot of damages caused and we have asked that more security measures be taken to be sure that only students who want to study are those to come to school and those who are not prepared to come and learn should stay at home. We are going to carryout administrative inquires to ensure that those who are responsible whether they are students or not would be punished as stipulated by the law.
Meantime the administrative and security officials have taken measures for schools to go on hitch free. Investigations have been opened to know the real cause behind the stampede.

By Mildred Wun


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