Cameroon Bishops Denounce Rising Poverty and Terrorism

Bishops of Cameroon have once again reflected on the life of the society and the Church. This was during their 47th annual seminar in Maroua, Cameroon which took place from 6th to 13th of December 2023, chaired by the President of the National Episcopal Conference, Archbishop Andrew Nkea and hosted by His Lordship Bruno Ateba Edo, Bishop of Maroua-Mokolo, with a massive participation of the faithful of the Diocese. Present too was His Grace José Avelino BETTENCOURT, Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon. He was heartily welcomed by the bishops.

On matters affecting Cameroon, the bishops were deeply concerned about victims of boko haram and condemned repeated attack by the Boko Haram terrorists in the Far North Region. They also turned attention to the Northwest and Southwest Regions where they spoke against violence meted out on citizens. They express their constant paternal solicitude and continual prayer for all.

The Bishops reflected on widening poverty that has gripped Cameroonians, appealling for justice, solidarity, hard work and continuous trust in God.

The spiritual path of Venerable Baba Simon, who is on the way to Sainthood also came under focus where the Bishops remarked that he was “a barefoot messenger who left everything behind to go and proclaim the Good News in the heart of the local traditions of the mountains of North Cameroon” Thus the bishops found time to ascend the hills of Tokombéré in the footsteps of Fr. Simon Mpeke. The Bishops also urged all the People of God to pray fervently for his canonization.

Bishops had a Spiritual Recollection facilitated by His Grace Faustin Ambassa Ndjodo, Archbishop of Garoua.

In addition, There was a presentation of reports from the Sixteenth General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, held in Rome in October 2023.

Bishops also listened to the presentation of the mission of the Catholic Relief Service (CRS), by Madam Caroline AGALHEIR, Country Representative of CRS, who has come to the end of her mandate in Cameroon.

The 47th annual seminar took place under the theme “A Synodal Church on Mission”. The opening and closing Mass had the presence of municipal and administrative authorities including the Governor of the Far North Region, the Lamido of Maroua and the Mayor.
The Mayor of Maroua, Dr. Sali Babani, welcomed the Bishops and thanked them for choosing Maroua as the venue for their Seminar. He lauded the efforts of the National Episcopal Conference which, through the Association for Interreligious Dialogue in Cameroon (ACADIR), is sparing no effort to consolidate peace and harmony in the Far North Region. He praised the social and charitable works carried out by Catholic missionaries in the Region, citing BABA Simon as an example.

The next Annual Seminar of the Bishops of Cameroon will be held in the Diocese of Buea from 4th to 11 January, 2025.

By Mildred Wung

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