Cameroon: Safety of Hajj Pilgrims Ensured

Cameroon’s Minister of Territorial Administration who doubles as the Chair of the National Hajj Commission, Atanga Nji Paul, ensured safe journey for 268 muslims on pilgrimage to Mecca this June 16, 2023. The Minister addressed pilgrims and pilgrim guides at the Nsimalen International Airport in Yaounde during which he cautioned them to stick to the purpose of their journey. At the airport was the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Cameroon, His Excellency Faisal Bin Saud Al-Mejfel who is also part of the trip to the Holy Land in Mecca.

Talking to journalists covering hajj, the chair of the National Hajj Commission gave details about the “So far the National Hajj Commission with the support of the Head of State President Paul Biya is taking 3165 pilgrims to the Holy land and this is the last flight of 268 Passengers. We started this exercise on Saturday and the schedules have been respected. So we have had eleven flights with our partner the Ethiopian Airlines supervised by the Cameroon Airlines. The pilgrims departed from Douala Garoua and now we are here in Nsimalen for the last flight. So everything has been smooth and we have followed the esteemed instructions from president Paul Biya who is very much attached to the smooth running of the hajj” Minister Atanga Nji said.

Other members of the hajj Commission are charged with the welfare of pilgrims in terms of lodging, food, transportation and health.

The pilgrims are expected to respect certain rules. “Drugs and colanuts are forbidden in Saudi Arabia. We check bags of all pilgrims to ensure thay nothing forbidden is taken. We work alongside the Ambassador of Cameroon to Saudi Arabia and MINAT staff to guide pilgrims” pilgrim guide, Mohammadou Habid told pressmen.

The pilgrims are travelling to Mecca with prayer intentions. One of them is Mouhaman Ayouba who said “I’m going to pray for forgiveness of my sins and for God to change my life. I want to also appreciate President Paul Biya for the grant of one billion francs for hajj which is easing the journey”

Like Mr Ayouba, many other pilgrims said they are going to pray for peace and unity in Cameroon, for an end to hate speech, for wisdom upon president Paul Biya and for God’s abundant grace on their personal life.

While in Mecca, the muslim pilgrims shall commune with Allah in a special way in order to deepen their faith. Mecca is known to be the birth place of prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Mecca is also home to the Ka’bah, built by prophet Abraham and his son prophet Ishmael. The building symbolises oneness with God. While at the pilgrim ground, Muslims pray in the direction of the Ka’bah.

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum


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