Yaounde Archdiocese Prays for United Cameroon

Catholics in the Archdiocese of Yaounde have implored God for the consolidation of nationhood in Cameroon, unity and emergence. Weeklong fervent prayers for the country began across the Archdiocese on May 8th and concluded on May 14th, 2023 at Mary Queen of Apostles Basilica Mvolye. The peak day of prayer was within a pontifical Holy Mass, led by His Grace Jean Mbarga, Metropolitan Archbishop of Yaounde.

The prayers were marked by pious acts of supplication, worship, adoration and praise singing to God by different lay apostolic and Christian associations across different parishes in the Archdiocese of Yaounde. Prayers for Cameroon was done in a fashion of diversity. Christians turned out in regalia of various cultures in Cameroon. The Cameroon flag, the Vatican flag, the toghu, the sanja, the kabba, the gandura, the basket, the broom, the calabash and the peace plant among others were visible symbols of nationhood that were exhibited during the prayer session.

Led by His Grace Jean Mbarga, Christians prayed for peace, love, unity, tolerance, Communion, synodality and emergence. They prayed against discrimination, hate speech, tribalism, nepotism, corruption and all other sources of justice. The country Cameroon was once again dedicated into the hands of the Blessed virgin Mary. Noting that Mary is the Queen of Peace and Patroness of Cameroon, queen of peace and mother of the Church, the Archbishop held out the Cameroon flag and beseeched her to intercede for Cameroon that there may reign a spirit of true nationhood.

While presiding prayers for Cameroon, Archbishop Jean Mbarga enjoined Christians to embody unity in diversity
“The communion of cultures is the best way for us to live as a nation. It is high time we destabilize things that keep us separated. We want to be together in all. We want to be together all times in every situation. Let’s put together our knowledge, our traditions, our capacities and all we have. Let’s live together to promote unity and diversity” The Archbishop told the faithful as he spoke in the context of nationhood.

He continued that God created diversity thus it becomes dangerous when diversity is opposed. He thus urged Christians to reconcile differences and have a communion of cultures. He said the culture of Cameroon is beautiful and rich thus should be used to build unity meanwhile Cameroonians should work for the common good. He called on Christians to pursue a common vision and a common good in order to build up the nation step by step. He said sharing, fraternity, prayers and the celebration of the Eucharist should always bring Christians together.

The Mass that marked the end of weeklong prayers for Cameroon was attended by religious, administrative and traditional rulers. The Head of State Paul Biya was represented by the Minister of Higher Education Jacques Fame Ndongo, accompanied by the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reforms Joseph Le and the governor of the Center Region Naseri Paul Biya.

The prayers for the nation comes one week ahead of the celebration of National Day in Cameroon. It was inaugurated in 2015, by the synod of the Archdiocese of Yaounde. Since then, it has been an annual event. The 2023 edition of prayers for the nation marked the eight year of the activity, which was placed under the theme “communion of cultures”.Christians thanked God for the presence of the Blessed virgin Mary. Mary Queen of Peace and Patroness of Cameroon. They prayed that she continues to intercede for Cameroon.

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

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