Cough Syrup Kills Six Children

The cough syrup that killed six children in the North-west Region, takes the number to nine deaths, recorded nationwide recently.

The death has been announced of six children, in the Northwest Region of Cameroon, resulting from presumably consuming a substandard cough syrup. The information is in a communique, published April 13, 2023 by the North-west Regional Delegate of Public Health, Dr Kingsley Che Soh.

The poor quality drug caused kidney malfunction in the children
“these children who were all brought in from out of the North-west Region to seek proper medical care, presented with decreased kidney function after having consumed a suspected sub standard cough syrup named NATURCOLD, supposed to have been manufactured by FRAKEN” the communique reads.

The information goes further that, the children who are all under the age of five, died at a hospital at the Fundong Health District, Boyo Division in the North West Region.
Meantime, those who are in possession of the substandard drug are called to hand it to any health facility for the drug to be destroyed. The Delegate of Public Health warns that, Naturcold is not authorised for marketing in Cameroon, worse till was gotten from an illegal source. He also warns against the purchase of roadside drugs and calls on people to get medication from approved areas.

The recent deaths recorded from the poor quality drugs in the North-west Region, takes the death toll of fake drug consumption to nine.

In March, health officials in the Southwest Region of Cameroon said three children died from consuming the same “Naturcold”

The regional delegation of the Ministry of Public Health for the South-West issued a communiqué on March 9, warning about the circulation of the unauthorised syrup known as “Naturcold” which caused the death of three children in the health district of Tombel.

Dr. Filbert Eko Eko, Regional Delegate of Health for the Southwest Region, said “Naturcold” contains two active elements that present health risks which is the cause of the three deaths.
“Moreover, according to the Directorate of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratories of the Ministry of Public Health, this syrup has no authorisation for sale, which means that the sale of this drug is illegal” the delegate said.

Their families reportedly bought the drugs along the roadside from unauthorised dealers.

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

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