Multiple Road Accident Kill Persons Going for Priestly Ordination

Two accidents happened progressively at different instances in similar situations.

The latest is the death of Shey Sonia Etfusiyea , a lady who died during a road accident along Baba I, this Wednesday April 13. It is reported that she was traveling to Kumbo, to attend priestly ordination slated for April 14, 2023. The said lady is a pastry chef who was carrying along with her some cake to Kumbo for the ordination feast.

Reports say the the accident happened when the car was on high speed overtaking three other cars. Its tire punctured causing the car to overturn three times with passengers onboard. The passenger who died is said to have sustained a basilar skull fracture. Several other passengers were injured

PHOTO: Shey Sonia Etfusiyea, Deceased Pastry chef

On Wednesday April 12, a road accident in Bamenda led to the death of a commercial motorcyclist and his passenger. Reports say the motorcyclist was transporting a woman who was heading for a priestly ordination Mass, at the Big Mankon Cathedral, Bamenda. The accident happened around Fish Pond Hill, Bamenda, caused by an overspeeding police car which crushed to death both the bike rider and his passenger.
Wednesday’s accident prompted a protest as people, mostly bikers took to the streets of Bamenda with peace plants, to denounce what many described as a merciless act.

PHOTO: Protesters on Streets after accident

Meantime, the Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam in the Northwest Region , Mooh Emile Simon, has said investigations have been opened into the killing of the motorcycle rider in a military vehicle on Wednesday April 12th, 2023. He made the statement as he addressed bike riders who were in protest after after a vehicle belonging to Cameroon’s defence forces knocked down the bike, killing the rider on the spot and the female passenger.

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

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