Menchum Celebrates Senator Kobenge Sekedi Bomeh

A feast, in honour of Senator Kobenge Sekedi Bomeh organised at Hotel Jovance Yaounde, thrilled the air with jubilation and animation. The people of Menchum Division, Northwest Region of Cameroon celebrated his election into the senate. Mr. Bomeh hails from Essimbi, Menchum Division and makes up one of the ten senators representing the North-west Region.

The sons and daughters of Menchum were joined in celebration by dignatories across the national and international sphere. This was on April 15, 2023, shortly after the newly elected senator received accoutrements at the Yaounde conference center, signifying his office.

It was a graceful day, dignified with the presence of elites from all nooks and crannies of Menchum. Senator Kobenge was flanked on the high table by his beloved wife Mrs Kobenge Fidelia, the Alternate Senator of Menchum Okah Emerencia, Honourable Wallang Richard Ebua of Menchum South Constituency, Honourable Kum John Nji of Menchum North Constituency, Mayor Ndighambong Anthony of Wum Council and Mr Akwa Patrick of CAMWATER.

Also present were all four mayors from the four municipal councils in Menchum.

Dance groups from Aghem, Essimbi and Manyu kept the atmosphere convivial as everyone danced to musical beats.

The cutting of cake and popping of champagne maintained the steam of the occasion.
There was enough to eat and drink for all and sundry.

PHOTO: Dancing at feast

The light mood that flared during the banquet was matched with a sense of earnestness. A galore of encouraging words from various elites to the new, incoming senator Kobenge Sekedi, signified the importance of being earnest and gave solemnity to the ceremony. Pa Fidelis Nji, chairman of the ceremony was one of those who stood up at the rostrum, to encourage the newly elected senator “We have a brilliant, well educated and well experienced young person, and I’m calling on all of you to give him the greatest support that he needs for him to do his job very Successfully. I can assure you that I’ve known him very well for so many years and he’s going to do a very great job. So please give him the support, collaborate with him… and above all be ready to serve whenever he asks” Nji Fidelis, former Parliamentarian for Menchum North Constituency said at the party.

The young and energetic senator later crowned the speeches with heartfelt words of thanks. After acknowledging the people who made his day splendid, he disclosed the vision of his mandate
“I promise to make the next five years as honourable years. My main mission is the youths. Youths are the machine of productivity. Youths have many potentials and ideas and if we convert that into true and practical efforts, they would get out of poverty bitterness and fighting and also get our division and our country out of poverty, bitterness and fighting so i plead with our youths to join me in fighting poverty in Menchum” Senator Bomeh said, while addressing dignatories at the ceremony which was organized to celebrate him.

Brief Profile of Senator Kobenge Sekedi

Senator Kobenge Sekedi Bomeh was born in Benakuma to a family of 6 children. After obtaining Advanced level in GHS Wum in 1997, Mr Bomeh won a scholarship that took him to China where he obtained a PhD in Electrical and Electronic engineering. He came back to Cameroon in 2010 and was recruited to work with the National Engineering School (Polytechnique) but opted to pick up a position in Diageo as a Senior Management Personnel where He has been working for the past seven years as Senior Project manager. He contested for the March 2023, senatorial elections in Cameroon and emerged victorious. He is a father of four kids, married to Dr Kobenge Fidelia, Gynecologist at the Douala General hospital. He’s 44 years old and the 2nd youngest Senator of the third Senatorial legislation.

PHOTO: Dignatories at high table with Senator Kobenge

Photo: Pa Nji Fideli, Chairman of the ceremony making speech

PHOTO: Mayor Ndighambong Anthony Mvo of Wum Council at celebration

PHOTO: Guests at feast

PHOTO: Guests at Feast

PHOTO: Dancing at feast

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

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