Partners of local development have deliberated on modifying the financing of local territories. This was at a meeting on April, 5th 2023, captioned “First extra ordinary session of the national committee on local financing for the 2023 financial year” It took place at Hilton Hotel, Yaounde, presided over by the Minister of Decentralisation and Local Development, Georges Elanga Obam.

The session was attended by experts from the ministry of Finance, the ministry of Economy Planning and Regional Development, the world bank, the German Cooperation Office GIZ, the Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance FEICOM and the Ministry of Decentralisation and Local Development.

Speaking to the press to elaborate on the subject matter, the minister of Decentralisation and Local Development said “we want to modify the way we are giving finances to local and regional authorities. What we have been doing was specially based on the population. With the help of the world bank, we think we can modify it a little bit to preserve social justice and to improve the development of our territories. We think it is not only the population that should be the basis of the sharing of resources. But we can take into consideration the level of development of our territories. We can also take into consideration, the scope of the territories and have a better way of giving resources. So it is important for us to take advantage of the world bank which is working with us”

Actors in decentralisation have noted that, previous methods of financing local territories have been largely based on the equal distribution of resources. This has not quite considered specific needs of councils and regions which is the reason why they embarked on revising and modifying the financing of local territories.

The modification of the method of financing shall strengthen the implementation of article 55 of the Cameroon constitution which stresses on the harmonious development of regional and local authorities. It is also aimed to ensure the balanced development of local areas, for the equal distribution of financial ressources among regional and local authorities.

For a successful modification of local financing methods, the Ministry of Decentralisation and Local Development is working with diverse partners to employ experience and successful methods of local financing that have been used in other countries. One of these partners is the world bank. Speaking to the press, Clelia Rontoyanni, Program Leader in Equitable Growth, Finance and Institution with the world bank said “We have been providing technical assistance to the government of Cameroon already for the past five years. On the request of the Ministry of Decentralisation, we have been working on technical papers for the distribution of funds at the regional levels in Cameroon. We are going to provide technical experience to authorities, present different models of decentralisation and take into consideration the situation of Cameroon”

After explaining issues on the revision of local financing to the press, the
partners reverted to an in camera session to chart a way forward for a satisfactory approach in the distribution of financial flows to councils and regions.

PHOTO: Minister Georges Elanga Obam

PHOTO: Clelia Rontoyanni, World Bank Program Leader in Equitable Growth, Finance and Institution

PHOTO: Stakeholders in Decentralisation at picture session

PHOTO: Stakeholders in Decentralisation at working session

By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

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