Christian Enter the Holies of Weeks

Christians across the world have entered one of the most important mysteries of Christianity known as Holy Week. Sunday April 2, 2023, was celebrated as Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday which marked the beginning of Holy Week. The week would last till Sunday April 9th, the day of the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection .

The holy week is the last week of lent in the Christian calendar. Holy Week begins with palm Sunday, which is the celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem after which he was killed. Holy Week is a time when Catholics gather to remember and participate in the Passion of Jesus Christ. The Passion was the final period of Christ’s life in Jerusalem. It covers the span from when He arrived in Jerusalem to when He was crucified.

The days which mark the holy week are: the Palm Sunday also known as passion Sunday in which we celebrate Jesus when he entered Jerusalem and palm branches were being waved and the children of Jerusalem laid their clothes on the ground to welcome their king. Monday of the holy week in which christians continue with the stations of the cross and the Lenten fast.

Tuesday of the holy week in which christians do same as it is on Monday. But due to pastoral reasons in some parishes, the chrism mass which is normally celebrated on holy Thursday is being brought to Tuesday of the holy week so that pastors can have enough time to travel to their respective parishes for the celebration of Holy Thursday with their christians. It should be noted that chrism mass is a pontifical high mass Which is aimed to bless the oils of chrism, catechumen and the oil of the sick and distributed to parish priests who will use them for the whole year till the day of Chrism Mass, of the next year.

On Wednesday of the Holy Week, the Lenten fast and stations of the cross continue. Thursday of the Holy Week is called Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday. On this day, Christians celebrate how Jesus ordained the first priests. Thus on Holy Thursday, and therefore celebrate all priests, Christians celebrate the day in which Jesus offered His body and blood as food and drink. Still on Holy Thursday, Christians celebrate the washing of the apostles’ feet by Jesus . As it was mentioned above, Chrism mass is suppose to be originally celebrated on Holy Thursday.

From Holy Thursday is Holy Friday, popularly called Good Friday. It is the day Jesus died on the cross of Calvary to pay for sins and on this particular day, there is no mass in the entire Church, service is done instead.

Christian are then ushered into Holy Saturday, celebrations on Holy Saturday begin by the evening of the day. On Holy Saturday, Christians keep vigil for the Lord, hoping for his resurrection on Easter Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead. Easter is the greatest celebration in Christiandom because it completes Holy Week and ends with the resurrection of Jesus. Easter celebrates the beginning and foundation of Christianity. Easter, signifies the victory of good over evil. Easter is a powerful reminder that trusting in God will draw us up from the depths of despair and that we will overcome these dark days.

Holy Thursday,Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are called the Easter Tridu’um. Tridu’um comes from latin which means “three”. This traces the final days of Jesus’ life,dead and resurrection from the dead .

The Holy Week is an important week of prayer, reflection, and gratitude as Christians contemplate the agony that Jesus endured and the hope of the Resurrection. Holy Week is the most important week in the Church’s year. It is a time when to celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Christians remember his actions, reflect on his messages and recommit to living as his disciples in the world today.

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