By Mildred Ndum Wung Kum

Ex combatants in Bamenda have received gifts from The Bamenda II Council, through Chenwi Peter, Mayor of Bamenda II. Over one hundred disarmed men and women were beneficiaries of foodstuff, sanitary pads and FCFA 200,000



The gesture of the donor was to patronize ex fighters as well as to uplift their welfare. This took place November 10, at the Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration -DDR Center Bamenda.

Mayor Chenwi Peter accompanied by the Divisional Officer for Bamenda II presented the gifts to the ex combatants in the presence of the Coordinator of the DDR center Mr Gapsa Sixtus. The items included corn, beans, plantain, rice garri and sanitary pads.

“I’m very happy today seeing the mayor being one of the first elites in the Northwest Region to visit the DDR center which I call the Holy Branch of peace. This center has operated for three years now and has never witnessed any elite of the Northwest Region coming down to the center to hand something. But it’s not like we don’t have food. Here we eat three times a day”

“These ex combattants have respected the decision of the Head of States to surrender and come here, which means that we have to welcome them. The HOS talks about national integration which means that we should integrate, socialise and assist which means that it is the place of the council and elites to stand behind these children who have surrendered, to encourage others from the bush to come out because if we stay behind, then we are doing nothing. It is high time we supported these guys to give them jobs, scholarship and the rest to encourage others” the Mayor said

The visit by the council to the DDR center also brought revelations about the rehabilitation of ex combattants. “While at the center, we are being counselled and taught skills in computer studies, poultry farming, agriculture, sports and driving. At first I could not drive but right now I can drive” an ex combattant told Info Trends.

Mr Gapsa Sixtus, coordinator of the DDR center told the press that thirty two ex fighters have gained employment into state corporations.

The move by the Bamenda II Council handing gifts to ex fighters adds to previous donations done by The Council to other sectors in Bamenda. The Council had earlier reached out to schools, traditional rulers and youths amongst others with either COVID19 prevention kits or didatic items.