Militants of the Cameroon Peoples Democratic MOVEMENT CPDM feted the thirty eight anniversary of Paul Biya in power November 6, 2020. For close to four decades, the mandate of Mr Biya, incumbent president of Cameroon and national chairman of the CPDM party has been described as one marked with riddled achievement. In spite of this criticism from his opponents, sympathisers of the party celebrated his anniversary with high spirit, sustaining trust in Mr Biya’s regime.
Comrade Fru Jonathan, Section President of Mezam II which covers the Santa area, organised militants where celebration of thirty eight years of Paul Biya at the helm of presidential power was done with renewed confidence. The Section President together with the youth and women leaders of the party rejoiced at a president whose term of office has been marked with an increase in infrastructure in all parts of the country including health facilities, water and schools. Most especially, they celebrated Mr Biya for using his “force of experience” in handling the Anglophone crisis which they noted that the situation is gradually turning to stability seen in the resumption of schools and the success in disarmament of combatants.
“We are here in Santa, we have come out massively to celebrate thirty eight years of our champion in power. In spite of the context we find ourselves like our children who were being killed like the case In Kumba, where our fons, our religious authorities are being kidnapped, where there is COVID19. In spite of all these problems, we have come out massively to celebrate thirty eight years of the success story of President Paul Biya. We know that he has achieved so much in our country. So in spite of the environment we still say thank you Mr president, thank you for all what you have done in our country, thank you for fighting for peace, thank you for struggling to get the Anglophone problem solved that peace should come back in our region. Thank you for pursuing your vision. Those of having education for our children, health for our population, roads, infrastructure and what have you. Thank you for all what you have done to this country for thirty eight years and we say happy anniversary” Comrade Fru Jonathan, Section President of Mezam II contended.
“Today the Santa people can boast of schools. We have schools all around Santa. Formerly we had one secondary School in Santa but today behind every house, we have a school. We are thankful for the health infrastructure in Santa, we are thankful because all the villages in Santa are accessible by road which are maintained regularly by the council. We have electricity all over Santa. Santa has a strong elite supporting the government.” The section president added
The ceremony was also an occasion for militants to appeal for better days within the helm of Mr Biya’s government “We are praying that the Head of States should use his experience of thirty eight years and help the entire Northwest region by solving the Anglophone problem just like he solved the Bakassi Penisular problem. He solved it without guns but he used his force of experience, a diplomatic way. That is why we are praying that let him use the same way to solve the Anglophone problem. Our head of State is a powerful man. We are condemning people who killed in Kumba, we are condemning people who kidnapped one of the fons of Santa – the Fon of Buchi and kept for one month two weeks, we are condemning the kidnap of the Fon of Nso and the kidnap of Cardinal Tumi. So all of us should join our hands together and maintain peace” said comrade Edwin Forjindan, Section Executive, CPDM Mezam II.
During the occasion, a motion of support was raised by the militants to President Paul Biya.