His Grace Andrew Fuanya Nkea left Mamfe early on Thursday  20th February and made way into the Archdiocese of Bamenda about10:45am thesame day in warm glad tidings . He was accorded an honorary reception from the precincts of  Widikum Deanery the gateway into the Archdiocese of Bamenda from Mamfe. Together with a company of  church dignitaries, he travelled through Batibo, Bali, Njengka, Nanga Junction and then Mankon where he arrived finally at the St Joseph’s Metropolitan Cathedral, the seat of Bamenda Archdiocese.

Archbishop Nkea greeted by crowd at stop over in St Francis Xavier Mission Station Bali

It was an impressive countless number of persons compared to the stars in the sky who were present to welcome Andrew F. K. Among them; Emeritus Archbishop Cornelius Fontem Esua of Bamenda, His Lordship Michael Bibi Auxiliary Bishop of Bamenda, His Excellency Adolf Lele Lafrique Northwest Governor, Madam Edith Tanyi Archdiocesan Laity Council Chair, the Bishop of Batouri, a bishop from Abuja, pastors from the Presbyterian and Baptist Church, Imams and Muslim brethren, other lay faithful plus an amazing cream of curious onlookers all clothed in different fashion.

Brethrens of the Presbyterian Church in welcome  ovation for Archbishop Nkea

There was singing, dancing and ululation at the entry of the new archbishop into his newly
defined area of pastoral circumscription. At least three out of five of every cluster of people carried the peace plant, others holding out the Vatican flag brandishing these in jubilation.

At the final stop and arrival in the St Joseph Cathedral, there was benediction presided by Archbishop Andrew Fuanyia Nkea assisted by a host of priests.

Archbishop Nkea presides Benediction at St Joseph Cathedral 

All attention is now fixed to 22nd February 2020, day for the official solemn induction of Andrew Nkea for the office of Archbishop.

Andrew F.N was appointed by Pope Francis as archbishop of Bamenda on 30th December 2019. By then, he was the Bishop of Mamfe Diocese.

He succeeds His Grace Cornelius Fontem Esua whose resignation letter was accepted by the Holy Father a year back.

The new Archbishop would go down records as the third archbishop of Bamenda after his

predecessors Cornelius Fontem Esua and Paul Verdzekov.

His Motto is In Spirit and In Truth.