The Global Initiative for Digital Inclusion and Communication GIDICom has effected ease and psychological  relief on some fifteen women with special abilities.  GIDICom gave a pat in the back to the fifteen in a heart to heart fireplace chat while listening to the plight they are  facing in the present Cameroon Anglophone  crisis period. 
This initiative by GIDICom was part of it’s #Act4peace237 Campaign with the aim to #DefyHateNow by hearing their stories which has up to now been unreported. 

Women with special abilities confide in GIDICom

The session was coordinated by the Communication and Gender Expert of GIDICom Madame Rosaline Obah Akah. She ensured a cozy atmosphere among the women; one that gave them the confidence to share disturbing issues. Sitting round the fireside, they talked of having lost loved ones, property,  recorded teenage pregnancies, lack home comfort, lack assistance and that they as persons with disabilities have difficulty in fleeing when there are conflicts and firing.

Also during the chat, women with  disability frowned at both governmental and non governmental organizations involved in humanitarian assistance as there is no assessment of needs, no proper registration of affected persons and absence of thorough communication to ensure that all affected persons are fairly treated

The women though with heavy hearts aired all these to GIDICom though expressing gratitude that GIDICom has created valued time to  listen to them.

The Executive Director of GIDICom Madam Pedmia Shatu applauded efforts made by the women to come particularly at a time when there is insecurity. She explained the concept of #DefyHateNow and #Act4peace237 Campaign which is geared towards taking small but hygienic steps towards a #HateFree online and offline space. She urged them to begin by advocating peace in their small spheres of influence through solving little misunderstandings around their communities.

At the end of the chat session, she echoed that 15 women was a good number to have started with to monitor impact. “Their stories simply tells me and my team that we don’t need to sleep but work double to see that we impact lives because these are just a few of such women going through trauma but I believe with God on our side, we shall hold on firm and bring the desired impact” GIDICom’s Executive Director added.

The women left happy to have had a shoulder to lean on which is @GIDICom through its #Act4peace237 Campaign under the banner of #DefyHateNow and promised to take small significant moves to #DefyHateNow in their various communities.

GIDICom holds that “women need to be listened to. You will not know their pain until you engage them in a chat”. According to the Communication and Gender Expert of GIDICom, the session brought Revelations “I facilitated this session which ended with revealing statistics and issues regarding persons especially women with special abilities. Women with special abilities have had their own share in this current war yet their stories haven’t been heard.  A lot is going on within their circle that go unreported and unattended. Humanitarian agencies as well need to think of extending a hand to them as a special group of persons going through untold challenges as a result of the current crisis.Talk with them and you will know their pain” she said.

It now stands out clearly that the effects of the Anglophone crisis has buried so much hatred and pain in the minds of many and women are not exempted from this. Such pain and hatred has been manifested online and offline in hate speeches and violent attacks. Women have sometimes been the oppressor or the oppressed. They need someone who would listen to their torments for a relief.
